20 July ~ 2020

My camping season started with January snow camping, then in March, out to near the Henry Mountains of Utah. Since then I have practiced social distancing with solo hikes and backpack trips to the high country. I would prefer to balance all this solitude out with some social life at the dance halls, like I would normally do, but the Covid has taken all that away for now and the near future. I am just glad I went out dancing as much as I did in the twenty years that I have been single.

Resilience enabled me to look past what I lost to all the beauty and freedom that was ahead of me. Life has been good, and will continue to be. I have a home that is paid off and border collies who love me and love the wilderness where they have adventured all their lives. Covid will pass eventually and I will get to dance again. Until then I will immerse myself in the outdoors.

Below are 23 photos from 2020, or jump to the videos below the photos.

"The measure of a man is not how much it takes to make him happy, but how little"

"It is your life dont let anyone make your feel guilty for living it your way"
