14 July ~2013
The summer is not complete until I head up in July to backpack where there are columbines blooming -One of those simple and priceless things that makes life rich, especially for one who loves Colorado.
I crossed a stream and was headed further up the valley about a hour before dark, when I got the feeling I shouldn't be doing this. I crossed back over the stream, climbed part way up a ridge, and set up camp in the aspens. Good thing I did - A powerful thunderstorm moved in, with lightning all around. By then me and the dogs were ready to retire into the tent. It rained and lightninged for hours. I actually enjoyed it making the night seem like day, once the thunderboomers were not right over the mountain we were on.
I woke at daylight to hermit thrushes singing in the evergreens, and enjoyed a gorgeous morning with the dogs. This summer I am not having to train to keep my back in shape, because me and the dogs have been backpacking every week.